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Top Trends in Garage Door Design

Welborn Garage Trends

Your garage door is more than just a functional element of your home. It has a direct correlation to your home’s curb appeal. Over the years, garage doors have transformed into stylish statements that enhance the overall aesthetic of your home. Here are some top trends in garage door design…

Modern Minimalism 

Minimalist and clean designs are finding their way into the garage door industry. Many homeowners are seeking out a simple yet sophisticated garage door to complement the architecture of their home. Smooth surfaces, neutral colors, and a sleek finish create a timeless and modern look. 

Bold Colors + Finishes

On the flip side, homeowners choose to use bold and vibrant colors for their garage doors in order to make their homes stand out. Deep red, rich greens, and black garage doors are common to make a statement. Finish textures are also popular within DFW such as wood grain or matte surfaces. These colors and finishes make your garage door a focal point rather than a utility. 

Smart Technology

Smart technology for garage doors is sweeping its way across homes in DFW. Wi-Fi-enabled openers and smartphone-controlled access provide convenience and security for homeowners. These smart garage doors enhance functionality and give homeowners peace of mind when it comes to the surveillance of their homes. 

Glass Panels and Aluminum Frames

Glass panels and aluminum frames create a contemporary and open feel. This trend allows for natural light to enter the garage and adds a touch of sophistication to the exterior of the home. 

Vintage Charm

One garage door style that seems to never go out of style is the carriage garage door. This type of design encompasses elegance and simplicity. 

Garage doors have become an integral part of a home’s aesthetic appeal and continue to evolve with more convenience and security features. If you are interested in upgrading your garage door, contact the team at Welborn Garage and receive a free same-day estimate.

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